Alien sightings and encounters have existed since the times of ancient empires. Whether elaborate hoax or genuine experience, the truth is out there. Sorbet investigates five that have defined the other-worldly genre

The One That Started Everything Barney and Betty Hill, New Hampshire, US, 1961
On September 19, 1961, Barney and Betty Hill claimed they were tracked by a mysterious light while driving, abducted by aliens, and subjected to experiments. Under hypnosis three years later, Barney described the aliens. Their story became a best-selling book and a movie starring James Earl Jones.
The One with the King Elvis Presley, Mississippi, US, 1943
Elvis Presley’s encounter began with a blue light seen at his birth and an eight-year-old telepathic visit from aliens, predicting his future career. In adulthood, he claimed to have seen many UFOs while driving in the desert.
The Slightly Rude One Antônio Vilas-Boas, São Francisco de Sales, Brazil, 1957
After being captured by aliens, Vilas-Boas was subjected to strange medical procedures and an encounter with a female alien. He was later found to have mild radiation sickness.
The One That Inspired the Oscar Levelland, Texas, US, 1957
Dozens of people reported seeing rockets and lights in the sky, and their car electronics malfunctioned. Despite being investigated by Project Blue Book, it was dismissed as an electrical storm, though no such storm occurred.
Probably the Biggest One The Belgian Wave, Eupen, 1989-90
Starting in November 1989, thousands reported seeing a large triangular UFO. In March 1990, military radar confirmed sightings, and F-16s were sent to investigate but couldn’t visually identify the UFOs. The Belgian Air Force found no explanation for the phenomena.