Okay, so this film was shot in black and white, meaning the ‘red’ is lacking its hue (we shan’t disclose that Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate sauce to achieve the desired look). But we thought about ‘bloodbaths’, and well, this scene takes place in a bath. So lots of poetic license to be had here, methinks. While the title of the movie is Psycho, we don’t meet Norman Bates until well into the film, and this, the pivotal murder of the movie, happens even later than that. As Marion shuts the bathroom door, steps into the bath and draws the curtain closed, an old woman (**spoiler alert** it’s Norman) pulls back the curtain and hacks Marion to death with a kitchen knife. Showers in baths with shower curtains have never been completely comfortable since.

The Shining
Stanley Kubrick’s retelling of the Times Bestseller Steven King novel made, shall we say, sometimes tenuous use of the source material. King wasn’t pleased at the time, but the movie went on to be by far his most successful and enduring cinematic adaptation. The slow unraveling of Jack’s sanity (played by Jack Nicholson), as he climatically chases his wife around the remote hotel with an ax, gave us some of cinema’s most enduring moments. The haunting twin girls have been referenced again and again, but it’s the elevator scene that is the movie’s most chilling. As Wendy (Shelley Duval) runs frantically around the hotel searching for her son, blood pours out of the Regency elevators and becomes a crimson river that splashes up the walls.
A Nightmare On Elm Street
If you were born in the ‘70s or the early ‘80s, A Nightmare on Elm Street was the tweenage forbidden fruit. If you were lucky, you found a friend whose parents were more lax with R-rated things than yours, and you watched in abject horror/delight (probably from behind the sofa) as beautiful teens are mauled to shreds by the crater-faced Freddy Krueger and his five-bladed biker gloves. Desiccated in their dreams, but with real life consequences, the teens try to stay awake. But, as hapless hottie Glen (Johnny Depp) lies in bed with his blaring TV sat in his lap, he falls asleep and is promptly sucked into the center of his bed, and deluged back out again in a backwards waterfall of blood. Mom enters just in time to see the boy’s bloodless body launched back up from below. Screams. And scene.

While the other bloodbaths in this list are either supernatural, the product of war, or homage to martial arts movies, Casino stands apart in its stark portrayal of human violence. Based on a true story of Las Vegas mobsters, murders are sometimes about upstanding issues like honor and money. Joe Pesci’s character, Nicky, though, is something else entirely. A family man, he is disposed to stabbing people and slitting throats. In one scene, having tortured a man for two days, he tires of interrogation and cranks the vice on his victim’s head until his eyes pop out. The victim then gives up the info. Later, Nicky is made to watch as his brother is bludgeoned to death with baseball bats before the heavies set on him. They bury them together, still breathing. Karma, as they say, is a bitch.
Saving Private Ryan

Kill Bill Vol. 1
Game of Thrones – Red Wedding